© Genesis Promotions (Aust) Pty Ltd
Come with us as we
explore instinctive
training methods for
young people . . .
10 Rules For Learning
Collaborate and learn - Foster a culture of learning by
sharing and listening to each other’s insights and
Engage in a game - Initiate a game activity as soon as
your team arrives to build rapport and enthusiasm
Prepare and prevent - Perform exercises to warm up
your body and mind for the task and reduce the risk
of injuries
Communicate respectfully - Use a calm and
courteous voice when addressing anyone and avoid
raising your voice
Recognize your team - Provide positive feedback and
compliments to every member of your team for their
efforts and achievements
Monitor and evaluate - Observe how your team
works, identify their strengths and areas for
Encourage and inspire - Motivate your team to try
new things, challenge themselves and have fun
Involve parents and friends - Invite them to join your
team, but ensure they follow the same rules and
treat everyone fairly